
Fairfield County's Premier Riding Social Club

Our By-Laws

ScooterZ Social Club

Bylaws of Gov­er­nance & Membership

The ScooterZ Social Club, founded in 2015, is a group of like-minded adult riding enthu­si­asts, who enjoy the cama­raderie of other adult riding enthu­si­asts for club gath­er­ings, riding ral­lies and club rides. The ScooterZ Social Club is based in Stamford (Connecticut), and will con­duct most busi­ness and other meet­ings within the locales of Stamford.

ScooterZ Social Club Gov­er­nance

ScooterZ Social Club gov­er­nance will be con­ducted by the ScooterZ Social Club offi­cers, which will include the Directors, an Executive Manager and an Assistant Executive Manager. All decisions of the club officers will be subject to the club directors approval. All decisions by the club directors are final. Other positions will be considered as Staff, such as Administrative Assistant and Social Event Coordinator. Staff positions will be overseen by the Club Directors. Any duties for any position that is unfilled will revert back to the Club Directors.

  • Executive Manager: will con­duct monthly meet­ings, oversee the coor­di­nation of Riding Rallies and direct general club busi­ness.
  • Assistant Executive Manager: will assist the Executive Manager in con­duct­ing monthly meet­ings, direct­ing general club busi­ness and membership.
  • Tour Coordinator: will be responsible for coor­di­nat­ing Riding Rallies, rides and other travel events for the club.
  • Administrative Assistant: will take notes as needed at monthly ScooterZ Social Club meet­ings and other club meet­ings (ex: Riding Rallies, rides and other events), com­pile and dis­trib­ute same to membership.
  • Trea­surer: The treasurer duties will be maintained by the directors, such as man­aging the ScooterZ Social Club bank­ing and Pay­pal accounts, includ­ing mem­ber­ship dues, mer­chan­dise and riding rally finances.
  • Social Event Coordinator: He / She will be responsible for scheduling and coordinating meetings and events for members, overseeing membership sign in at meetings and events as well as meeting / event setups and including refreshments. He / She is also responsible for keeping inventory records pertaining to the ScooterZ Social Club.
  • Social Media Coordinator: Manages the club's electronic presence on the world wide web, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram and assisting the webmaster with the club website.

NOTE: To qual­ify as a ScooterZ Social Club offi­cer, a mem­ber must be a ScooterZ Social Club full mem­ber in good stand­ing for a minimum of six months and have attended a riding rally or attend a majority of club events.

Voting ability for basic members will be determined on a per vote basis and announced at the time of the vote by the presiding club officer or director.  Full club members shall always have the ability to vote on club business.

ScooterZ Social Club offi­cer elec­tions will be held at the Decem­ber ScooterZ Social Club meet­ing, after nom­i­nees have been selected dur­ing the Novem­ber ScooterZ Social Club meet­ing. Nom­i­nees should be nom­i­nated, and then con­firmed by two ScooterZ Social Club full members. All officer nominations are subject to the club directors approval. A club officer can be removed by a unanimous vote of the remaining officers with club directors approval or directly by a consensus of the club directors.

ScooterZ Social Club will hold an offi­cial meet­ing once a month to accom­plish ScooterZ Social Club busi­ness and enjoy the cama­raderie of like-minded scooter enthusiasts.

ScooterZ Social Club meet­ings will be held at a local or regional eatery, meeting hall or other location as announced via the club website or club email newsletter.

ScooterZ Social Club's offi­cial means of com­mu­ni­ca­tion will be via information posted on the club website, club facebook page and occasional newsletter e-mails.  ScooterZ Social Club also has a team on Slack, which is a real-time chat service, plus we have a group chat in our official text messaging app, Signal.  Both Slack and Signal are also official means of disseminating club information. (To join our Slack team or Signal chat group, you must be invited - contact a club officer if you are a member and have not received your invitation.) All club email correspondence will originate as a newsletter from the club website, members of the club are not to send individual emails as official club correspondence.  On the necessity of communicating club business to individuals, only club officers and directors are permitted to send emails on behalf of the club. Any other apps or services are NOT approved for any ScooterZ Social Club use.

ScooterZ Social Club reserves the right to modify these Bylaws upon a majority vote of the club officers with approval from the club directors, or directly by the club directors.

ScooterZ Social Club Mem­ber­ship

The ScooterZ Social Club wel­comes any­one who is 18 years of age or older, with a keen inter­est in riding and riding cul­ture. Ownership of a scooter or motorbike is not required.

To become a basic member of the ScooterZ Social Club you must apply for membership via our website. All basic memberships are free and valid for one year, ending on Dec 31st of the current calendar year. Basic memberships must be renewed each year. (Renewal of a basic membership is also free.)

To become a full member you must apply on the website and pay the yearly membership fee. Membership dues for a full club member are $60.00 for one year or any part thereof and must be renewed before January 1st. All full memberships are for a period ending on December 31st of the current year. Any new membership signups in November and December will get credit for the next full year.  Full membership renewals cost $55.00 and if you renew your membership in September or October you will get an additional $5 discount, which will make your renewal cost $50.00, not including processing fees.  All memberships (basic and full) can be renewed starting on September 1st for the next membership year.

Paypal is used to process all membership transactions and club store purchases, any paypal fees shall be borne by the member and will be added to the total cost of your transaction.

Any and all membership fees and costs are non-refundable.

Any member that has not renewed their membership before their expiration date will be considered inactive and all privileges associated with their club membership shall be suspended until such time that they make their membership current again. In addition, once your membership expires there is no renewal discount, you will have to pay the full membership fee of $60 to reinstate your membership.

All ScooterZ Social Club mem­bers are expected to par­tic­i­pate in member events / rides and any Riding Rally pro­duc­tions, and they are also encour­aged to attend out-of-town riding ral­lies pre­sented by other riding clubs.

Any ScooterZ Social Club mem­ber who is detri­men­tal to the ScooterZ Social Club and / or its mem­ber­ship, can be per­ma­nently removed from ScooterZ Social Club mem­ber­ship via a majority deci­sion of ScooterZ Social Club offi­cers and Directors (pre­vi­ous offi­cers may be con­sulted).  Said mem­ber will receive noti­fi­ca­tion and expla­na­tion via official club communication channels. Any member so removed will not be entitled to any refunds of their membership fee.

Ride / Event requirements - Liability

The ScooterZ Social Club requires all participants (members or not) in any event or ride organized or sanctioned by the ScooterZ Social Club to have current registration, license and to provide their own insurance as required by all applicable laws from the participants state of residence.

The ScooterZ Social Club will not be liable for any issues or actions by participants at any club gathering, event or ride.

Failure to produce any legally required documentation upon request from any ScooterZ Social Club officer or director will be grounds for the ScooterZ Social Club to deny participation in any and all club sanctioned activities until such time that proof of compliance with all applicable laws is shown.

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